The Question of Africa's Economic Sectors and Development: A Public Lecture by Dr. Nyadwera

Department of Economics pose for a group photo after Public Lecture

The Department of Economics and Development Studies organized a public lecture titled "The Question of Africa's Economic Sectors and Developmentby Dr. Evelyne Nyadwera from Penn University on Tuesday, 30 January 2024.

During the lecture the question of Africa having enormous primary resources and development potential, and yet it is in a constant state of development flux was addressed.

It was noted that as demonstrated by the remarkable spurt of economic growth that started in the late 1990s, its development path has defied conventional economic theories, and the traditional paths taken by developed countries and emerging economies (such as China).  Contrary to being industry-led, Africa’s development is currently services sector–led, with the sector contributing about 50 percent of the output and employing one third of the labor force in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and almost two thirds in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. 

At the Q&A session, the best students were awarded with books of various topical issues authored by Dr. Nyadwera.

 The Department Sincerely appreciates Dr. Nyadwera Evelyne for taking time to fly to Kenya to share knowledge and experiences with the University of Nairobi community.